I love this album.

Retrojaz have an effortlessness and accessibility about their music which makes it the perfect  accompaniment to any occasion.   When I describe Interestin' Times as a mood pallet, it helps to explain the complexity of its appeal.  With shifts in your emotional state come fresh insight into these rich tracks.  Lively, uplifting, warming, poignant and deeply touching, the album is a multi-layered and subtle sensory experience.  Never the same twice.

An album with ever changing appeal -  like driving a '67 Aston Martin but with a range of footwear from racing drivers boots to comfy slippers.  Change your mood and change your experience of Interestin times.  I urge you to drive it your way!
Will Thomas
Managing Director, Coach, Author

Vision for Learning Ltd
The Development Centre

www.visionforlearning.co.ukRay Barrett singer-songwriter and performer:

Ray Barrett literally brought our business launch to life.  He read the needs of the event  and blended a range of soulful and uplifting numbers creating the congenial atmosphere necessary to get people relaxing and networking. 
Ray Barrett
Click to see the making of Interestin' Times